WEB News
Celebrate with some music...
Ebola virus:
It could be older than you, but maybe this is the firs time you know about it...
Alexander Fleming
One of the most important medical advances in history began by accident. On the morning of September 3rd, 1928, Professor Alexander Fleming was having a clear up of his cluttered laboratory. He was sorting through a number of glass plates that had previously been coated with staphyloccus bacteria as part of research Fleming was doing.
One of the plates had mould on it. The mould was in the shape of a ring and the area around the ring seemed to be free of the bacteria staphyloccus. The mould was penicillium notatum. Fleming had a life long interest in ways of killing off bacteria and he concluded that the bacteria on the plate around the ring had been killed off by some substance that had come from the mould.
The Big Bang
April 22nd, the International Earth's Day
Every day human population grow almost exponentially demanding for resources to cover all our needs (and whims) usually without considering the damages we are causing to other species, or even, to other human populations. Reduce your consumption, reuse what you have and still works, help people who recycle by separating your solid wastes in a proper way. You may think it is not enough, but as long as you do something, that would be the begining. Maybe you like fashion and to be "in" and updated in technology, but be aware on the ecological cost of your picky wish.
Selección natural (1858) Evolución
Charles Darwin publica "El Origen de las Especies Mediante la Selección Natural", en la que desafía las creencias acerca de la creación de la vida en la Tierra. Darwin había servido como naturalista que emprendió una expedición científica de cinco años por la costa del Pacífico de América del Sur en principios de 1832, a bordo del HMS Beagle, uno de los más famosos buques de la historia. Los datos recolectados en la expedición, en especial las muestras de las Islas Galápagos, fue la inspiración para sus teorías sobre la evolución de los mecanismos de selección natural. Su trabajo ha estado en el centro de la controversia desde que se publicó.
This is how the body reacts when it gets invaded by this kind of virus. It is a perfect army, but the bad news is that Ebola virus sis an autoimmune disorder. It means that, as it launches its attack, it is self destroying and harming the body.
It is time for panic? I don't think so. It has been discovered since the 70's, so maybe media is only generating unnecesary alarms. Of course, you have to be aware, so find reliable sources of information before you begin to scream and cry!
Do you wnat to know more? Check the video about the immune system for more information.
Tabla Periódica de los Elementos (1860 - 1870)
Dmitry Mendeleyev se da cuenta de que si todos los 63 elementos conocidos están dispuestos en orden de mayor peso atómico, sus propiedades se repiten de acuerdo a ciertos ciclos periódicos. Formula de la tabla periódica de los elementos y predice la existencia de elementos que aún no han sido descubiertos. Tres de esos elementos se encuentran durante su vida: galio, escandio y germanio.
The Immune System Explained
El movimiento de los planetas (2000 aC - 500 aC) Astronomía
Mil años de observaciones revelan que hay estrellas que se mueven en el cielo y siguen patrones, demostrando que la Tierra es parte de un sistema solar de planetas que se separan de las estrellas fijas.
The Big Bang theory is an effort to explain what happened at the very beginning of our universe. Discoveries in astronomy and physics have shown beyond a reasonable doubt that our universe did in fact have a beginning. Prior to that moment there was nothing; during and after that moment there was something: our universe. The big bang theory is an effort to explain what happened during and after that moment.
- See more at: http://www.big-bang-theory.com/#sthash.rI2bh2Ki.dpuf
The immune system, which is made up of special cells, proteins, tissues, and organs, defends people against germs and microorganisms every day. In most cases, the immune system does a great job of keeping people healthy and preventing infections. But sometimes problems with the immune system can lead to illness and infection.
How will the Universe die?
Everybody dies. The universe too? Well, probably. What are the current theories about the end of everything? And how creepy exactly are these theories? (Spoiler: very creepy). But there might