circulatory and
respiratory systems
Circulatory System
The circulatory system
The circulatory system helps vertebrates to transport substances through all the body. It is composed by a network of vessels that connect every tissue of the body. Those vessels are the arteries that move the blood away from the heart, the veins that move blood to the heart, and the capillaries that connect veins and arteries directly from the tissues. The blood is a fluid tissue conformed by a liquid called plasma that carries the different kind of cells of the system. The erythrocytes or red blood cells that carry oxygen to the tissues and remove carbon dioxide from the body, the leukocytes or white blood cells that help on fighting infections and removing dead cells, and the platelets that help forming blood clots in the case of an injury.
The heart is the organ that helps moving the blood along the system. It is made of a special kind of muscle that never stops moving so it makes the heart to act like a pumping machine. The heart is connected with the lungs by the pulmonary artery that takes blood there in order to get oxygen from the air and to take it to all the tissues of the body.
The Coronary Circulation
It is a system of blood vessels that feed the heart with nutrients and oxygen from the left ventricle by a system of Coronary arteries that branch off the Aorta, and return by-products to the right atrium by the Coronary veins that meet in the inferior Vena Cava. Coronary arteries can be affected by cholesterol plaque that grows around them as a result of a diet high in fats and lipids, sedentary lifestyle and alcohol and tobacco, obstructing the pathway of blood making it harder for the heart to receive nutrients causing cells to die, resulting in a stroke that can be mortal for the patient.
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Try this...
Get some porcelanicron or clay and make a heart shaped jewel box so you can remember the structure of your heart. The internal part of your box will show the four chambers of the heart, and the lid will be showing the coronary system. You can use your creativity in your design.
Respiratory systems
The animal kingdom is full of variety and adaptations for organisms to survive. Respiration, as one of the functions of life, is not an exception. Vertebrates develop in land and water, so evolution took the way to solve the problem by developing respiratory systems adapted to each environment. Animals that live in water have a specialized system made of organs that take the oxygen from the water called Gills. Gills are connected with a network of capillaries in order to make effectively the gas exchange as the animal breathes. Organisms that live on land have lungs. Lungs are bags made of a special spongy tissue that stores air that gets in touch with blood through capillaries surrounding a bag-like structure called alveolus. Remember that respiration is the way our cells obtain energy from glucose in the presence of oxygen and breathing is the mechanical movement to get oxygen into the respiratory system.
Respiratory system
Introductory Questions
1 which is the relationship between the heart and the lungs?
2 How do red blood cells transport gases through our body?
3 which is the function of oxygen in our body?
4 Why is the heart divided into two circuits?
5 Which is the importance of having healthy habits for our heart and lungs?
Heart Dissection
Lung Dissection
With a classmate, outline the relationship between the circulatory and respiratory systems.
You will need:
A watch with chronometer, a notebook, ruler and pen.
1. Ask your partner to count a minute as you sit steady and relaxed, and count your heartbeats (pulse rate).
2. Repeat the exercise three times for a fair test.
3. Stand up and jump in your site 20 times. Count your heartbeats.
4. Repeat the exercise three times for a fair test.
5. Now, repeat the complete exercise, but instead of counting your heartbeats, count each time you inhale (breathing rate).
6. Fill in the following chart with your observations:
7. Compare your results with five of your classmates and make a bar graph with your results.