Healthy habits
You are what you eat.
A healthy diet is based on accurate portions of carbohydrates to provide energy, minerals and vitamins to keep our body healthy and to help in our metabolism, proteins to build up our bodies, repair and grow tissues and to produce substances; and fats to build up cell membranes and neurons, and to store energy. A Nutritionist is a doctor that helps on providing a healthy menu based on a diet according to the patient's needs.
Introductory questions
1. How can gas exchange be affected by smoking?
2. Why is it important to exercise regularly?
3. Explain the importance of a healthy diet for your heart.
4. Why is it important to see a nutricionist before adopting any diet?
Everything is connected.
You should know right now that every action you do has a reaction in your body. As you breathe, you get oxygen to your cells and remove carbon dioxide from your tissues. As you eat, you get the raw materials for your body to build up, repair and maintain tissues, to obtain energy, to help your body to respond to a stimulus, to heal, and so on.
What if... you do things that interfere with your metabolism? What if you change or replace the perfect machinery that is inside you with substances and products that can really harm you instead of helping?
Try this...
We are what we eat. Visit this site for learning about how to eat healthy.
Download this document to learn about nutrients and nutrition facts in our food.
Smoking can cause serious damage to many organs in your body.
Carbon monoxide binds to hemoglobin interferring with normal gas exchange, so oxigen supply would be lower and your cells are not going to get enough oxygen to use the energy they need.
Tar can stick in the fragile tissue of your respiratory system causing the cilia in the cells lining the respiratory tree to dry, so they could not move to sweep the mucus out. As a consequence, you will develop the smoker's cough. As the cells die, your lymphocytes will begin to destroy the tissue, and you get an empysema that can lead you to die.