Periodic Table
Through history, humans have been observing and classifying materials from empiric observations to objective specific experiments, and have discovered elements. As scientists had come and gone, many new elements had been discovered. The thing was to organize them. Many different arrangements based on the studied characteristics of elements took place before the modern periodic table we know today, but they were replaced or improved as scientists described the atom, and identified new elements. The Periodic Table is a record of all the existing elements arranged according to determined characteristics such as the atomic number.
Periodic Table
Some common elements
Introductory Questions
1. Which common elements do you know?
2. How are alluminum and silicon alike and different?
3. What do physical and chemical properties have to be with the arrangement of the periodic table?
4. Which is the most common gas inside light signs?
5. Why do you think fluorine and iodine are used for cleaning teeth and injuries?
6. Which were the most common characteristics that scientists noticed to organize elements?
Click here to learn more about the elements in the periodic table.
In the Current Periodic Table, the elements are arranged in function of the atomic number, which gives the element the periodic properties according to the electron cnfiguration.